Friday 22 January 2010

Concept decided?

My group known as : S.T.A.R.S!

Has come up with several ideas for our concept. From The Police Station from resident evil to caves.. to lost underground cities (my idea=P)

And have come up to the conclusion.. we shall COMBINE our visions together!!

So.. our main theme will be..
- The Lost Underground City
- with a RUN down Police Station
-The scene shall start from the entrance of a cave
-and finally... Mr.Rat, who will be our main tour guide for the scene
(my idea also... has a choice between a rat or firefly)

We've also allocated roles... "positions" even.. as a team.. we want to have equal "power" over the project. But since everyone wants to do abit of everything .. we've decided on the following:

Yuki(me) - Lead the members. - In charge of MODELING & ANIMATING
- Will be in charge of putting together concept work from the other members
- Will then storyboard the work.
- Model
- Animate

Karen - Lead the members. - In charge of MODELING & ANIMATING
-Drawing concept work
- Draw more detailed images of parts of the storyboard

Michelle - In charge of COMPOSITING
- Drawing Concept work
- Draw more detailed images of parts of the storyboard
-Model (small items)
- Composite

Ryan - In charge of TEXTURES
-Concept work
-TEXTURED drawings for storyboard
-Model(small parts)
-Lighting (small parts)

James - In charge of LIGHTING
-Textures (small parts)
-Model (small parts)
- Lighting
-Composite (small parts)

Everyone has a fair amount of POWER they wish to have within the group, Me and Karen will share the part as leader since its a big amount of pressure on one person alone. Makes like easier like this. However, even with these positions the other members have agreed to helping with the modeling since we all have a very complicated idea. =D

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